PE “Roads of Serbia” and World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

The PE “Roads of Serbia” has joined this year’s marking of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims under slogan “Remember. Support. ACT”, on Sunday, November 15, 2020.

The third Sunday in November was adopted in 2005 by the UN General Assembly as the World Day of “appropriate acknowledgement for victims of road traffic crashes from all over the world and their families”, as well as honoring the members of emergency services who fight for human lives every single day.

Lead by the view that road accidents could be prevented, the PE “Roads of Serbia”, as socially responsible enterprise, has initiated, prepared and launched on March 2019 the first of many educational campaigns aimed at raising the awareness of drivers and increasing the traffic safety – “3 Seconds, a Whole Life”.

According to the report of WHO on Global Road Traffic Safety, more than one million lives are cut short as the result of road traffic crash. Road traffic accidents are also the leading cause of deaths of children and young adults of 5 - 29 years of age.
”The PE “Roads of Serbia” allocates significant resources for increase of traffic safety, we are preparing measures for decreasing the number of victims of traffic accidents, and we’ll continue, through cooperation with the competent ministry and MIA of the Republic of Serbia, to systematically work on raising the awareness of all traffic participants”, said the Acting Director, Zoran Drobnjak, at the Campaign promotion.

Pursuant to its competencies, the PE “Roads of Serbia” continuously takes care of state road network quality, its maintenance and improvement, in order to provide the best possible conditions for safe and pleasant driving.

Through delivery of daily-based information to traffic participants regarding road conditions, and appeals concerning taking care of speed limits, adapting to road conditions, keeping the safe distance between vehicles, obeying the traffic signage and usage of winter equipment during winter time, the PE “Roads of Serbia” regularly draws attention of the public to importance of responsible behavior in driving and saving lives.
