First Aid Training for Users of Company Vehicles

This is the third year of the PE “Roads of Serbia” and the Department for Safety, Health, Fire Protection and Rescue at Work first aid training. The previous two years saw the training of more than 800 employees who perform their duties in the field (toll stations, tunnel operational centres…) and of the employees in the business facilities.

More than 100 employees who use the company vehicles will be trained in this phase of the training.

In line with the Law on Safety and Health at Work and the Rulebook on the method of giving first aid, types of resources and equipment which must be provided at the workplace, method and the deadlines for enabling the employees for giving first aid, the training is conducted by a licensed person from an authorized medical institution, who has adapted the program to the users of the company vehicles, and who is introducing the employees with the procedure for providing quick first aid to the injured and urgently ill persons on the spot through examples and practical cases, all in accordance with the modern methods of giving first aid.

The training is conducted at the toll stations “Belgrade” and “Niš North”, at the premises of the PE “Roads of Serbia“ in Bulevar kralja Aleksandra street, Vlajkovićeva street, Ljube Čupe street and the facility nearby the bridge Gazela.

The First Aid training is being conducted while applying all preventive measures for combating the virus Covid 19
