All roads lead to Laza Kostić again

Tourist signs bearing the names of our great poet and the first president of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia, Laza Kostić, and his home village Kovilj have been reinstalled along the motorway Belgrade – Novi Sad.

PE “Roads of Serbia“ and the Journalists’ Association of Serbia have jointly installed the signposts in the directions of Novi Sad and Belgrade to remind people how to get to Kovilj, visit  the family home of Laza Kostić, see the monument located in the school bearing his name and also visit other tourist attractions of this region.

“We had been indebted to the first president of the Journalists’ Association, Laza Kostić. I believe that this is just the beginning of joint actions of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia and the PE “Roads of Serbia“ and we expect a tourist sign showing the direction towards the Home of Journalism “Pera Todorović“, whose renovation is currently being completed, to be jointly installed soon on the Corridor 10 at Smederevska Palanka“, says the Secretary General of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia, Nino Brajović

Acting Director of the PE “Roads of Serbia“, Zoran Drobnjak, says that the obligation of the PE “Roads of Serbia“ is not just to preserve roads, but to introduce our citizens and guests with the history and culture of our country.

“By installing these tourist signs, we wish to show to the people the cultural heritage of our country, which the family home of the great Laza Kostić certainly is. I am looking forward to further cooperation with the Journalists’ Association of Serbia and other organizations, with whom we will present all beauties and attractions of Serbia to those travelling the Corridor 10“, Drobnjak says.
