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Zajednički projekat Srbije i Mađarske o merenju buke i zagađenja vazduha u pograničnoj zoni

JP "Putevi Srbije" potpisalo je ugovor sa mađarskom firmom KTI Institut for Transport Sciences Nonprofit Ltd o zajedničkom nastupu u projektu "Strategic Noise and Air mapping related to border crossings and related infrastructure", koji se finansira iz IPA fondova Evropske Unije.

Ciljevi projekta su identifikacija teritorije i broj stanovnika pogođenih bukom i zagađenjem vazduha na državnim putevima, koji prelaze granice propisane direktivama EU. Ukupna dužina državnih puteva u području istraživanja iznosi oko 280km, a oblast istraživanja su putevi u području granice između Srbije i Mađarske, Srbije i Hrvatske, pravac Sombor-Subotica-Novi Kneževac-Banatsko Aranđelovo i granica Srbije i Rumunije.

Projekat je predstavljen u Somboru u sredu 29. oktobra, na skupu kome su prisustvovali predstavnici "Puteva Srbije", Ministarstva saobraćaja, grada Sombora i gosti iz Mađarske.

"Realizacija projekta savršeno se uklapa sa idejom nove lokalne samouprave da postane regionalni lider. Uspeli smo da se izborimo da Sombor bude domaćin prvog sastanka vrlo značajnog IPA projekta koji realizuju Mađarska i Srbijа" - rekao je gradonačelnik Saša Todorović.

"Za razvoj infrastrukturnih projekata lakše je dobiti sredstva ako su sve aktivnosti izvršene pre nego što se uputi zahtev za sredstva. Značajan je i proces učenja za preduzeća koja učestvuju u projektu." - rekao je Gabor Hende, predstavnik Mađarskog instituta.

Naser Mustafa predstavnik izvođača posla, istakao je da projekat obuhvata čitavu pograničnu zonu, a prema rečima Biljane Vuksanović, predstavnice "Puteva Srbije", projekat o uticaju drumskog saobraćaja na naselja treba da bude završen do kraja godine.

31.10.2014. - Somborske novine


The joint project „Strategic Noise and Air Mapping related to border crossings and related infrastructure” has been carried out by PE ‘Roads of Serbia’ and KTI Institute for Transport from Budapest. The first results of the project, which started in May, were presented in Sombor on October 29, 2014.

The presentation of the results were attended by Saša Todorović, Mayor of the City of Sombor, Vladislav Živanović, Deputy Mayor, the members of the City Council Miroslav Kovačić (Communal Services) and Zoran Miler (Agriculture, Rural Development and Environmental Protection), the representatives of the Ministry of Civil Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure, as well as the traffic infrastructure experts.

The presence of the experts gave the hosts an opportunity to discuss with them another questions related to the subject.

Mayor Saša Todorović said that „local government aims to become a leader in this region”.

„We discussed the issues related to the project – measurements of noise and air pollution caused by road traffic, which is of great importance because these elements are not only one of the conditions for EU accession, but also of the improvement of traffic in general. We expect this cooperation to continue and that those who implement it will get access to some new IPA projects. The results of the project which was presented will be visible in a short time”, said Mayor Saša Todorović.

Biljana Vuksanović, Executive Director of Strategy, Design and Development Sector of PE ‘Roads of Serbia’ said that they presented the first results which will „show, in the field of environmental protection, to what extent roads and road traffic affect settlements close to them”.

„This project is of great importance for PE ‘Roads of Serbia’ because it participates as a partner with Hungarian company KTI. The research will be very useful not only for ‘Roads of Serbia’, but also for the related experts in the field of exchange knowledge and experiences and implementation of EU directives. In addition, we have to adjust our legislation to these demands and make the grounds for these results to lead to further initiatives in the field of environment protection in order to improve that framework and to keep pace with European requirements and everything which is ahead of us”, said Vuksanović, pointing out the ardent support of the Hungarian partner, KTI Institute.

„The dead line to complete the project is the end of the year. I think that we are going to have a respectable project not only in the field of environmental protection, but also in the usage of IPA funds and in the implementation of specific projects of interstate and cross-border cooperation”, said Biljana Vuksanović, Executive Director of Strategy, Design and Development Sector of PE ‘Roads of Serbia’.

Hende Gabor, Director of KTI Institute, in charge with the project management, emphasized the double importance of the project.

„During the last few years we realized that for the development of infrastructural projects it is easier to get the funds if all the activities, encompassed by this project, are already completed. The process of learning is also important, having in mind that this is the first IPA project for PE ‘Roads of Serbia’. Every institution which wants to get any funds has to learn all about the methodology techniques, which are of great importance”, said Gabor.

The directors of contracting firms, Mostafa Naser, Director of MHM Project from Serbia, and Attila Tan, the owner of Akusztika from Baja, Hungary, spoke about the technical details of the project.

„The project encompasses the whole border zone, from the border between Croatia, Hungary and Serbia, i.e. the area along the line Bezdan – Sombor – Subotica – Novi Kneževac – Djala – Romanian border. The activities are based on the synchronization of our regulations with European regulations and directives. The technical part of the project is related to counting of the traffic intensity and structure, i.e. how traffic affects noise and air as well as environment, which is the basis of the project. We are in the middle of the project and the field measurements, of great importance for mapping and obtaining the information basis of a transport model between Hungary and Serbia, which is also one of the aims set by the project, are still in process. We have two months to carry out air measurements during the heating season. The measurements out the heating season are completed and now we have to process the obtained data”, said Mostafa Naser, Director of MHM Project from Serbia and thanked the Sombor local government for their operational assistance in the field.

Thursday, October 30, 2014 - TV Sombor

Noise and air measurement

SOMBOR – Noise measurement in the border area from Serbian border with Croatia to the border with Romania is in progress, encompassing the area from Bezdan to Djala in Hungary. The measurement has been carried out through the IPA project „Strategic Noise and Air Mapping related to border crossings and related infrastructure”. The technical part of the project is related to counting of the traffic intensity and structure, i.e. how traffic affects noise and air as well as environment, which is the basis of the project. „We are in the middle of the project and the field measurements, which are very important for mapping, are still in process”, said Mostafa Naser, Director of MHM Project from Serbia. „The dead line to complete the project is the end of the year. I think that we are going to have a respectable project not only in the field of environmental protection, but also in the usage of IPA funds and in the implementation of specific projects of interstate and cross-border cooperation”, said Biljana Vuksanović, Executive Director of Strategy, Design and Development Sector of PE ‘Roads of Serbia’. Hende Gabor, Director of KTI Institute, in charge with the project management, emphasized the double importance of the project. „During the last few years we realized that for the development of infrastructural projects it is easier to get the funds if all the activities, encompassed by this project, are already completed. The process of learning is also important, having in mind that this is the first IPA project for PE ‘Roads of Serbia’. Every institution which wants to get any funds has to learn all about the methodology techniques, which are of great importance”, said Gabor. The project „Strategic Noise and Air Mapping related to border crossings and related infrastructure” has been carried out by PE ‘Roads of Serbia’ and KTI Institute for Transport Sciences from Budapest.

29.10.2014. - RTV

Merenje i mapiranje buke i zagađenja

JP Putevi Srbije i mađarski KTI Institut za saobraćaj u Budimpešti, nosioci su projekta koji je nastao u okviru prekogranične saradnje Srbije i Mađarske, a čiji je cilj određivanje uticaja saobraćaja na državnim putevima na životnu sredinu - piše u saopštenju.

Prema rečima direktora MHM Projekt, Nasera Mostafe, projekat se odnosi na merenje zagađenja vazduha i buke, kao i na mapiranje strategijskih karata vazduha i buke u čitavom pograničnom pojasu. Merenjima će biti obuhvaćen pojas od Bezdana i granice sa Hrvatskom, gde je granični prelaz Bački Breg, potom Sombor, Subotica, Bajmok, Kelebija, Bački Vinogradi, Horgoš, Ðala, kod Novog Kneževca, što znači da je šest graničnih prelaza obuhvaćeno u celom području. Cilj projekata jeste da se odredi uticaj saobraćaja na državnim putevima na životnu sredinu. U celom području vrši se merenje buke na 90 lokacija, merenje saobraćajnog opterećenja i strukture saobraćaja na više od 40 lokacija i merenje zagađenja vazduha na putevima ka graničnom prelazu. Kada je reč o somborskoj lokalnoj samoupravi, obuhvaćena je teritorija Sombora kao pograničnog grada, Bački Breg, Bezdan i gravitaconi putevi ka tom području i put ka Bačkom Monoštoru. Merenjem je obuhvaćena i sama zona grada, ulasci u Sombor i značajnije tranzitne saobraćajnice, te Svetozar Miletić, put ka Stanišiću i Aleksi Šantiću - piše u izveštaju sa stanka. Vrednost projekta iznosi više od 650 hiljada evra, grad Sombor nema finansijskih obaveza, ali ima mogućnost da od Puteva Srbije dobije svu raspoloživu dokumentaciju i da koristi sve podatke, kako iz oblasti ekologije, tako i u pogledu saobraćajnog opterećenja kako na opštinskim, tako i na državnim putevima na području Sombora. O realizaciji projekta na terenu i utvrđivanju dinamičkog plana radova sa Naserom Mostafom, direktorom konzorcijuma MHM Projekt razgovarali su Vladislav Živanović, zamenik gradonačelnika Sombora, članovi Gradskog veća - Zoran Miler za oblast poljoprivrede, razvoj sela i zaštitu životne sredine i Miroslav Kovačić za komunalnu oblast, te načelnik Odeljenja saobraćajne policije PU Sombor Milan Glumac.

29.10.2014. - Soinfo


The presentation of the project „Strategic Noise and Air Mapping related to border crossings and related infrastructure”, financed from the IPA funds, has taken place in Sombor today. The project has been carried out by PE ‘Roads of Serbia’ and KTI Institute for Transport Sciences from Hungary.

Alongside with Mayor of the City of Sombor as a host, the presentation in Sombor was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Civil Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure, PE ‘Roads of Serbia’, the contractors, as well as by the partners from Hungary. The research area encompasses state roads in the border area between Serbia and Hungary in the north, the border between Serbia and Croatia from Bezdan to Sombor in the west, the direction Sombor – Subotica – Novi Kneževac – Banatsko Arandjelovo in the south, and the border between Serbia and Romania in the east. The total length of state roads in the research area is approximately 280 km. The project is aimed at the identification of territory and the number of inhabitants affected by level of noise and air pollution that exceeds the limits specified by the EU directives.

After the presentation, all the participants visited the measurement location at Bački Breg, where the contractors presented the equipment and demonstrated the process of collecting data.

29.10.2014. - RTV Sreca Sombor
