Sector for Traffic Control Information Systems

The Sector for Traffic Control Information Systems operating within the Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia and following the Law on Roads („Official Gazette of the RS, nos. 41/2018 and 95/2018) is performing the following activities: keeping records on state roads, marking of state roads and traffic-technical data related to the roads, as well as traffic management, traffic load recording and counting of vehicles on the state road.

The Sector for Traffic Control Information Systems, as a part of its activity, also performs traffic management tasks, develops and implements Intelligent Transport Systems, information and communication technologies systems (ICT systems), databases significant for the state road network, standards and quality of Integrated Management Systems, safety and health protection at work, provides information for road users about conditions on I and II category roads. It is also responsible for the activities of automatic data processing regarding toll collection, IT activities of the enterprise, monitoring, supervision, and traffic management of the segment of the network of roads and tunnels equipped with ITS elements, as well as the collection of the traffic data from road weather stations and provides a wide range of services to road users through operations performed by the Information Center and specialized ITS GIS portal.

The Sector for Traffic Control Information Systems consists of the following departments:

  1. Department for ITS Development and Implementation
  2. Department for Traffic Surveillance and Management  
  3. Data Base Department
  4. Data Processing Department
  5. Department for Information Management System Maintenance
  6. Information Center
  7. Quality Department
  8. Department for Integrated Management Systems and Business Operation Support Systems   
  9. Department for Safety, Health, Fire protection and rescue at Work  

Sector for Traffic Control Information Systems employs people trained in electrical, transport, civil, mechanical, and other natural and social sciences to accomplish assigned tasks and realize new projects.

